Pheasant Island

Pheasant Island (Spanish: Isla de los Faisanes, French: Île des Faisans, Basque: Konpantzia) is a river island located in the Bidasoa river. The island is a condominium (established by the Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659), under joint sovereignty of Spain and France, and so administered by Irun (in Gipuzkoa, Spain) and Hendaye (in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France), which are in charge of the island during alternating periods of six months. It has a surface of 6,820 m² and has been artificially protected from the currents of the river.

In French, the island is also known as Île de l’hôpital and Île de la Conférence.

The most important historical event that took place on the island was the signing of the Treaty of the Pyrenees after a series of 24 conferences between Luis de Haro and Cardinal Mazarin in 1659 to end the Thirty Years' War. A monolith in the centre of the island was raised to commemorate this event.

The island was the site of many royal meetings;

External links

Media related to [// Pheasant Island] at Wikimedia Commons